✨ Intense ASMR Follow the Light Triggers | ✋ Don’t Worry, I Can Fix This

Описание к видео ✨ Intense ASMR Follow the Light Triggers | ✋ Don’t Worry, I Can Fix This

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Hey y'all! I made another ASMR light triggers video, with somewhat similar vibes to my Eye Light Resiliency videos and a few others along those lines.

I hope this video helps you to tingle, relax, and drift away to sleep!


For the best ASMR experience, please use headphones or earbuds.

❤️If you'd like to support this channel, you can check out these:

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►Patreon: Viewer contributions are a huge help in allowing me to create regular, high quality content. If you’d like to help support my channel and get perks like ad-free viewing, early access, and more, please check out my Patreon page.
  / jbgreenasmr  

►Remember, ASMR is awesome, but it's not a substitute for professional care. If you have mental or emotional health concerns, please see a mental health professional. If the first person you speak to isn't a match, keep looking! You deserve good health.

If you need help with mental health concerns:
(U.S.) http://www.mentalhealth.gov/
(U.K.) http://www.mind.org.uk/
(Australia) http://mhaustralia.org/
(New Zealand) http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/

►DONATIONS: Y'all, there is NO pressure to donate; I love making these videos, and your views, likes, and comments mean the world to me. If you do wish to make a Paypal donation, though, please know that gifts of any amount are gratefully accepted and super helpful.
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...

►JBG bean logo by Andrew Bargeron for Gimetzco.com
►Production logo music is an excerpt from “Peace of Mind” by Kevin MacLeod.
►Bell sound in “Call to Action” segment is an edited clip from a longer file that may be found here: https://freesound.org/people/heyim89y...
It is used under a creative commons license:https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...


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