The Ajuga reptans or Burgundy Glow- Quick Facts and Plant Guide

Описание к видео The Ajuga reptans or Burgundy Glow- Quick Facts and Plant Guide

Buggle weed or Ajupta Reptan is a low maintenance garden plant or indoor plant grown primarily as lawn covers. Varieties of Ajupta Reptans can be evergreen or variegated. This plant produces bluish to a purplish color. People can cultivate this plant easily as this plant grows very well in a shade or direct to the sun as long as it has good moist soil in the ground. Traditionally, Buggle weeds are used for tea to treat Thyroid problems, cold, anxiety, and others. This buggle weed is an inexpensive garden plant that is also lovely to grow.

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   • The Ajuga reptans or Burgundy Glow- Q...  

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