Quiz: Where on the map? (Eng. subtitles) - Hvem kan slå Ylvis

Описание к видео Quiz: Where on the map? (Eng. subtitles) - Hvem kan slå Ylvis

From "Hvem kan slå Ylvis" ("Who can beat Ylvis?") episode 4 task 12, in which Ylvis go through a series of challenges. Winning each individual challenge is rewarded by getting as many points as the number the challenge is. So if you win task one you get one point, task two, two points, task three, three points, and so on. The team that has the most points at the end wins. If the blue team (not Ylvis) wins, he or she gets a certain amount of money (it starts out with 250 000 NOK). If the Ylvis brothers win, neither get the money, but they add 250 000 NOK to the next episode's prize.

4:34 Do you feel a bit "Ålesund"? = Reference to the previous question, where Ann Kristin placed the international Eurovision Song Contest finale in Ålesund (which is in Norway). What they mean is that Vegard has no idea what the answer to the question is.


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