Revolutionary Metal I-fuse® OTP in FinFET Tech, by Shine Chung, Chairman, Attopsemi Technology

Описание к видео Revolutionary Metal I-fuse® OTP in FinFET Tech, by Shine Chung, Chairman, Attopsemi Technology

In this session, we will share the core competence of I-fuse® OTP and the revolution of Metal I-fuse® in FinFET technology, which proves the metal interconnect can be an ideal material for electro-migration as processes migrate, enabling the program voltage and current to be scaled as fabrication processes advance. Also, we will share some silicon data and comparison between other OTPs technology, expecting to offer valuable insights into this field.

Shine Chung graduated from Harvard University in the early 1980s. He started his career as an SRAM technologist and designer at AMD. He joined VLSI Design Associate as an ASIC circuit and logic designer in custom design projects later. Then he worked for HP Labs in the Super Workstation project since 1988. The RISC architecture he helped to define was transferred to Intel in 1994 as the Merced architecture and the corner stone of Itanium chips. After HP, he worked for Digital on StrongARM 1500, AMD on K5, and some startups on flash memory devices and designs. In 1999, he co-founded Audia Technologies, a hearing-aid IC and device company.

In 2003, he returned to Taiwan and worked for TSMC as a Director in Design Service Division to develop various IPs such as SRAM, embed-DRAM, electrical fuse, and emerging memories. He single-handedly built up the TSMC’s electrical fuse program from 0.13um to 90nm. He published two highly acclaimed papers on electrical fuse in VLSI Circuit Symposium 2007 and 2009, respectively. He was a two-time TSMC Corporate Innovation Award recipient in 2007 and 2008 for developing electrical fuse and logic bipolar device, respectively. He retired from TSMC in the early 2010 and founded Attopsemi Technology half a year later.


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