BEST Soloing Method for Gypsy Jazz/ Swing Guitar: Minor Conversion Concept- FREE PDF/ TABS

Описание к видео BEST Soloing Method for Gypsy Jazz/ Swing Guitar: Minor Conversion Concept- FREE PDF/ TABS

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Here is a concept that I often teach but have not created a formal series of lessons until now! This concept called the minor conversion concept was coined by the great Pat Martino.

However, it has been used by early jazz guitarists such as Django Reinhardt and Charlie Christian just to name a few players that you might've heard of….

I first documented this in my lessons on the G blues swing lessons about 10 years ago on YouTube. It's a concept that has been around as early as the tune Sweet Georgia Brown. If you watch my lesson I also talked about how the second phrase is a minor phrase over the dominant chord.

This is exactly what the minor conversion concept is about. Of course, it could be expanded to cover a lot more chords but it's still the foundation of the concept. Basically it's substituting. In this case we're playing a minor phrase over a dominant chord. The first and most important city is to play minor up at fifth of the dominant chord.

There's something about thinking and playing minor ideas and phrases that is so beautiful and appealing on the guitar. Again, it seems to be quite a guitar stick concept but as mentioned, you can see it in the song Sweet Georgia Brown. Maybe the composer of Sweet Georgia Brown played the guitar!

As I hoped to teach it in a logical manner please enjoy this study number one and feel free to make any comments in the comment section. This study number one begins with taking the dominant 9th chord and showing how it contains a minor triad embedded in it - it also contains a minor six chord will get to that later.

For now, will stick to this basic concept and I'll show how to apply it and how Django Reinhardt and Charlie Christian used it. Of course will look at some Martino lines as well. He has documented it quite nicely and many of his instructional books.

This study focuses primarily on my concept of easy triad soloing method which is found in abundance here on Patreon from Minor Swing to All of Me to Giant Steps to Rhythm Changes and many of my études over various jazz standards and Gypsy Jazz. This is fundamental and foundation for which we will build everything else off of. I can't stress the importance of mastering your triads!

Join me on the live stream which I'll be offering tomorrow morning and I'll be going over this work sheet and offer some demonstrations.

Please check out my Patreon page to be a part of my online music community. This is where I post ALL(over 5000!!) of my PDFs, TABS and bonus video lessons:


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