Former Trekking Elephant Has The Sweetest Reaction To Their New Friend - ElephantNews

Описание к видео Former Trekking Elephant Has The Sweetest Reaction To Their New Friend - ElephantNews

#elephant #rescuedelephant #maekheow

Mae Kheow endured many years as a trekking elephant, and the accompanying harm done to make her perform her subject duty. When she was rescued to Elephant Nature Park not so long ago, she was in quarantine for a couple of weeks. Our role at Save Elephant Foundation is to assist in the pairing of friendships. When she was cleared to roam free, we placed her in numerous locations and potentials for a positive relationship without success. It concerned us. Then we decided to try here with some older elephants up river near Khamla at our skywalk project. After just a few days of cautious integration, both TikTok and JimJim embraced her into their company. Now, she has new friends who have had a similar history. Mae Kheow's nightmares are over. Good memories are being made every day with her new friends, TikTok and JimJim. Learn more:


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