Top 7 Ways To Lower Prolactin Levels Naturally with Vitamin B6, Mucuna, and more

Описание к видео Top 7 Ways To Lower Prolactin Levels Naturally with Vitamin B6, Mucuna, and more

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How To Lower Prolactin Naturally

Prolactin is a hormone that triggers the milk production in pregnant women, but believe it or not, most guys have high prolactin levels too. In this video I’m going to teach you how to lower prolactin levels naturally.

Supplement with Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a herb that’s mostly used as an “adaptogen” meaning that it lowers stress levels.

…This human study (180) found out that 5 grams of Ashwagandha for 3 months increased testosterone levels by 40% in healthy male participants.

Furthermore the same human study (180) also found out that Ashwagandha lowered prolactin levels by a nice 15%.

NOTE: a decrease of 15% is a modest reduction, but when accompanied with the 40% increase in T along with the fact that Ashwagandha is extremely nutritious “superfood”. It becomes quite obvious that this herb is totally worth supplementing with.

Consume More Vitamin E

Vitamin E is greatly linked to increased spe production, and there’s also some inconclusive evidence that it may boost testosterone levels…

Vitamin E has also many other benefits, such as the fact that it’s a powerful antioxidant in the body… And in this study, (181) 300 mg’s of vitamin E for 8 weeks, decreased prolactin levels by a staggering 69% when compared to placebo in healthy human subjects.

That’s a massive decrease. One that is hard to obtain with strong medications for such purposes.

The best way to get natural vitamin E trough supplementation is without a doubt a combination of natural tocopherols.

NOTE: Never ever get synthetic vitamin E, it’s derived from petrochemicals. Also never get “natural” vitamin E that’s derived from soy products.

Get Your Dopamine Levels Up

High dopamine levels are extremely beneficial for men. Firstly, it stimulates testosterone production…(182)

Secondly it stimulates growth hormone secretion… (183)

And thirdly if you have high dopamine levels you’re most likely having low prolactin levels. (184)

So without a doubt, dopamine is something that you might want to increase if you’re a male. Here’s few ways to do that. (185)

NOTE: Recent studies have shown that after a guy has an orgazm, prolactin levels will skyrocket and dopamine levels will plummet. This greatly increases the refractory period between ejaculations, and makes you want to go to sleep.

However, if a guy has high dopamine along with low prolactin, then the reduction in dopamine is far less significant, and the time between “mating sessions” is decreased. (this is a fancy way to say that low prolactin levels increase your sxual powers).

Supplement with Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is essential part of the B vitamin complex.

It has multiple functions in the human body, the best one probably being the fact that it’s essential for testosterone production.

However B6 is not only beneficial for testosterone…

…This study (186) found out that a single dose of 300 mg’s vitamin B6 increased serum growth hormone levels significantly while also causing a sharp decline in prolactin levels in human subjects.

Supplement with Mucuna Pruriens

Macuna is one of my all time favorite testosterone boosters, mainly because it has human studies (187) that prove its effects…

…However that’s not the only benefit. Mucuna Pruriens also decreased prolactin levels by a very nice 33% in this study. (188)

It’s not for certain what causes this decrease in the first place, but most likely it’s caused the fact that Mucuna Pruriens is filled with L- Dopa.

And L-Dopa is a precursor of dopamine (as explained above, high dopamine inhibits prolactin).

Mucuna Pruriens would probably be my number #1 choice for lowering prolactin, mainly because it’s so beneficial in other areas too.

Sleep Like a Pro

Sleeping well will without a doubt decrease your prolactin levels naturally.

There’s multiple reasons for that, as sleeping more and with better quality is beneficial in many areas that correlate with lowered prolactin.

Such as: it increases testosterone levels, increases dopamine levels, decreases estrogen levels, increases growth hormone levels, and so on… So it’s quite obvious that quality sleep has a prolactin reducing effect.

NOTE: The above is not only a theory, as this study (189) proves that better sleep quality truly does decrease prolactin levels in men.

Get Adequate Amounts of Zinc

Zinc is one of the main nutrients behind healthy testosterone production, and it’s also not a super big secret that zinc deficiency completely destroys testosterone levels.

What most people don’t know is that zinc also reduces prolactin levels.

In this study 50 mg’s (190) of daily zinc supplementation, more than halved prolactin levels of the male participants.

If you decide to get zinc as a supplement, I highly recommend Testro X testosterone booster from UMZU (191)


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