How to Start Mains with a Flying Clamp

Описание к видео How to Start Mains with a Flying Clamp

this is how to start your main with a flying clamp and NOT double pull. This isn't a perfect replacement to starting with a starting clamp, but it's close. ;) Enjoy! Because of the awkward angle, I've included step-by-step instruction below. R and L represent arbitrary sides of your racket. So, pick one and stick with it.
R1=First main on the Right side
L2=Second main on the Left

Pull R1 and L1. Set Flying clamp on R1 and L1 at the head up against your mount or grommets. Pull L1. Set second flying clamp in the throat on L1 against the frame (gently.) Release L1. Pull R1. Move first flying clamp to throat on L1 and R1. Release R1. Pull R2. Move flying clamp from throat to head on R1 and R2. Release R2. Pull R3. Move flying clamp from head to throat on R2 and R3. Release R3. Pull L1. Move flying clamp from the outside of the frame to the inside at the throat on L1 and R1.
Continute mains as usual. :D

Hope everyone could follow along. Didn't have time for the usual setup. Have a good day!


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