Smyth Busters: Why 50 Shades of FDE?

Описание к видео Smyth Busters: Why 50 Shades of FDE?

Not so much a myth today as some clarity on one of life's big unanswered questions. If you've assembled an AR-15 with components in Flat Dark Earth (FDE), you've probably wondered, "Will the true FDE please stand up?" That's because there are a lot of variations in Flat Dark Earth. Why can't manufacturers agree on ONE shade of FDE instead of 50? According to Brownells Gun Techs Caleb and Steve, any color will look different on different materials. A molded polymer stock in FDE will have a different cast than an anodized aluminum receiver or handguard. And one manufacturer's anodizing will be different from another's. Actually, there'll be variations from one BATCH to another of anodized components from the same manufacturer! The FDE dye one plastic component maker uses will differ noticeably from another manufacturer's. There are ONLY two ways to get the same, uniform shade of Flat Dark Earth on your gun: buy all your components in person and match 'em up, OR paint all the components with a good spray-on finish like Aluma-Hyde® II, Gun Kote™, or Cerakote®. Unless you're a member of the Flat Dark Earth Society, your friends probably won't judge you for the slight mismatch between your rifle's receiver, handguard, pistol grip, and sling!


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