FF7 Rebirth Paradox: Universe Built On String Theory & Bhudda's Aggregates | Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Описание к видео FF7 Rebirth Paradox: Universe Built On String Theory & Bhudda's Aggregates | Final Fantasy 7 Remake

When you first saw Zack's return at the ending of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, what impression did you get? Timelines? Multiverse? Purgatory? This deep dive theory in going to present the possibility that BOTH were correct and wrong. That Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a huge paradox of science and religion. There will be full spoilers for FF7 Rebirth and its ending. Hurtling through a theory that the 5 stamp timelines is more than just kabbalistic. But based on a combination of string theory and the aggregates of Buddha. Nojima dunked that Buddhisms Yogacara is involved in the story and will explain the ending of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Here in FF7 Rebirth I think we were shown some conclusive hints that will make for one hell of a theory. FF7 Rebirth is a universe built on string theory and the aggregates of Yogacara Buddhism! #finalfantasy #finalfantasy7remake #ff7rebirth #finalfantasyviirebirth #squareenix

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