Fireforge Games- The Living Dead Warriors of the Forgotten World!

Описание к видео Fireforge Games- The Living Dead Warriors of the Forgotten World!

Fireforge took the names of two thing fondly remembered from my youth and turned them into something completely different!
In this box you will not find any tar men, naked punk rockers dancing in cemeteries, zenny, dust dragons, or flying mohawked space warriors.
Instead you'll find sprues of some pretty nice new zombified soldiers!
Zombie soldiers are pretty rare. You usually get armored skeletons instead of zombies. Or ragged zombies. The two rarely mix except for an odd model here or there. Last actual set of armored zombies I can think of were in Confrontation... that was a while ago!
What's on offer is pretty nice step towards having proper soldier zombie representation. The kit fits together well and you have a full complement of either spears or hand weapons, with shields a plenty. I like the spear across the chest option for the models. Something we don't see often.
Two issues nagged me with this- the necks of the bodies for one. They're quiet long and either need to be trimmed down or titled somewhat, or they have a very long neck.
The other issue for me is the amount of models. When people think zombies, they think big hordes. At least that's what I think. With only 12 models in a box I feel it's a little light for mass battles. For skirmishes I think it works great. For RPG encounters when you want something more substantial than wiggly Bones zombies, this might be a nice alternative.
From my preliminary experiments I see these parts working well with Northstar's model lines as well as possibly old Mordheim bits if you've got them laying around. Sadly when filming this I couldn't find the bits I wanted- mainly Frostgrave, Mantic zombie/ ghoul parts, and some free company leftovers. Alas. At least my quickly made Oathmark zombie works.

Take a look at Fireforge's site The starter set for their new game, Forgotten World, while a bit pricier than I like to spend includes a fair amount of models for both sides.

Plus you get bonus points if any of those references rang a bell early on!


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