Jordan River, North Temple to 1800 N Redwood Rd, Paddle & Improvement Plans, Jul 2020, Salt Lake, UT

Описание к видео Jordan River, North Temple to 1800 N Redwood Rd, Paddle & Improvement Plans, Jul 2020, Salt Lake, UT

Jordan River, North Temple to 1800 N Redwood Road, Paddle & Water Trail Boat Ramp Improvement Plans, July 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah. With maps and diagrams from Elliott Mott, Salt Lake City, and the Jordan River Commission. Information on this and other navigable sections of the Jordan River can be found on the Jordan River Commission's Jordan River Water Trail web page:
and in Elliott Mott's "Jordan River Water Trail & Bike Path" book:
This river section is 3.6 miles long, and might take one to two hours to paddle, depending on how fast or relaxed you like to paddle.

Music by Broke for Free: Summer Spliffs, Add And.


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