10 Commonly Mispronounced Words In The English Language

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Want to speak English with a beautiful American accent, improve your pronunciation and learn how to speak like a native speaker? Watch this lesson to the end and learn the correct pronunciation of 10 mispronounced words in English!

Which one is better, American of British accent? This is a question that students who want to start working on their accents and pronunciation often ask. The answer is quite clear: Whichever you prefer! When it comes to speaking, there is no right or wrong accent! You can have your own mother tongue accent, yet speak English clearly and make yourself understood.

Now I'm not saying that pronunciation is not important. In fact, English is not a flat language. Every word with more that one syllable needs to be pronounced with stress on one syllable. If you don't pronounce correctly, then it sounds weird and unclear! Even sentences need stress and intonation (which I will discuss in some other videos). However, What I mean is that whether to have a standard American or British accent is a matter of personal taste and preference.

Bottom Line: focus on learning the language, pick the accent you think you like more, and focus on your pronunciation.

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