Glimpses from from the life of a forty year old Secondary School in the Gothenburg suburb of Angered. This particular school surely defies simple descriptions. Loved by many, despised by some, spirited, adrenaline-rich, while also staunchly struggling for an educational quality both sound and innovative.
Shifting political directives - implemented by administrators of varying talent and ambition - have pushed and pulled at the school's organism, allow it to breathe freely at times, only to force it repeatedly into near-death episodes. Luckily, dedication and creativity is also found - sometimes on all levels! At any rate, a certain harshness imposed by less than perfect conditions helps to shape another life-sustaining factor: resilience!
People with professional roles within the school-world often feel a certain sadness that very little of the positive goings-on in a school reach out to the general public. There would be much to present and show, naturally the special events and performances that are part of the creative lines. But also the day to day work, instruction and help, achievements, colaboration, success and reward, pride, team spirit, warmness, humor and joy, socializing, celebration, solidarity, good will and compassion.
Angeredsgymnasiet has at least made some remarkable steps in this communicative direction. For a number of years students produced a regular TV program, to be broadcast by a regional cable network. Often programs reached a truly amazing quality level. Also, a web-based newspaper has been in operation for more than fifteen years now. Pictures reflecting school life - like the ones here - are an important ingredient there as well.
Keep in mind that this presentation was put together as a low key side-show without sound. There is repitition, unbroken attention is not needed.
There is no comment, no explaining texts going with these pictures. A few points may help to make some sense of the pictures:
Swedish secondary schools offer various "lines" of education, some only a few, some a wide spectrum
These images concentrate on visually interesting lines like Drama, Dance, Textile & Fashion, Style & Design, Popular Music, Media (eg Photo, Film, Graphic Design, Sound, Creative Writing). There are and were other lines present that could not be covered adequately here.
Besides regular course work, school life is strongly influenced by project work of many types, co-laboration between different lines, practice-periods at companies in the "real world", the "UF" program ('Young Entrepreneurs'), where students establish and run legally registered companies for a year, a student run net newspaper, a popular School-Show work group, a staffed Study-Support Center open to all students, among further schemes.
This school is placed in an immigrant-rich suburb. The equal value of each and every human being is always a central value. Active integration is the goal. It is safe to say that the school has broken some ground here over the years
White caps on students' heads are the Swedish way to signal successful graduation. (It's no secret though that some bearers may have some "gaps" to be filled later...)
Graduates with immigrant background often proudly display the flags of countries of their origin. This undoubtebly is a sign of a certain security and stance within the new country. No need to hide in the shadows of a dominant mono-culture
Firmly integrated in the school is a section for students with functional variations. Their course work is governed by the regular rules and goals, but more time and help is available. Alternatively, these students can choose to take courses in the greater school as well, while still entitled to the extra help.
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