Modded Cube Combination - Full Resummoned Flareon playthrough

Описание к видео Modded Cube Combination - Full Resummoned Flareon playthrough

I swear I did not die this much the first time I fought Flareon.

All music and game visuals belong to their respective owners.

Resummoned Flareon
19,345 Health
Solar Pillars - Rains down a small amount of pillars (3+) that deal moderate damage.
Flame Guards - Summons 3 minions to fight for Flareon, deals low damage but tanky health.
Meteor Rain - Rains down a short span of meteors dealing massive damage and fire dmg
Goldfire Greatsword Attack - Swings the greatsword once an enemy has entered range, deals moderate-high damage, lethal if armourless or poor armour.

Flareon, Igneum
10,310 Health
Solar Pillars - Rains down a moderate amount of pillars (6+) that deal the same damage.
Fiery Guards - Summons 6 stronger minions to fight for Flareon, even tankier.
Goldfire Greatsword Attack - Swings the greatsword, same damage.
Meteor Rain - Rains down a longer span of meteors
Rapid Fireballs - Commences a start-up animation before exploding and creating a circle of fireballs that will shoot at the closest enemy.

Flareon, Right Hand of the Sun
139,000 Health
Ignis Caeli
Handful of Infernal Remains
Handful of Solar Fragments
Destroy! (Heavenly Strike) - Commences start-up animation before exploding and rising to the air, spams pillars that spans over 2 bridges
THIS WILL HURT.. (Literally sans) - Commences a spam of beams that shoot sideways, also spans over 2 bridges.
BE GONE! (Sun Strike) - Flies a bit higher, starts raining down a hellish amount of fireballs.
Sun Servants - Summons 6 servants to fight for Flareon, they are soulbound to Flareon therefore if they take damage, he will too.
You can’t escape! - Flies down towards the closest enemy and starts swinging the greatsword instantly.
Yes! That’s it! - Activation of phase 2 of Right Hand of the Sun, hopefully you have prayed.
Doomed, from the very start - Swirls and charges at a spot, once fully charged, fires a gigantic beam downwards that spans two thirds of a bridge whilst activating Destroy! And THIS WILL HURT.. at the same time.


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