James Hall Worship and Praise 2003 Fresh Fragrance Covenant Fellowship

Описание к видео James Hall Worship and Praise 2003 Fresh Fragrance Covenant Fellowship

THIS is a video I recorded in Wilmington De 2003

This was an epic night captured, because It was everyone when and then and then now.

This night included Wilmington Chester Mass (not recorded)
A young man stepped on the stage and took the night, with Mc'ing and Bishop Ford just noticed him that night and gave him accolades.

Eventhough, I, in the video, got some names wrong, these people were new to us, and weren't as "viral". Everyone was there....and we all were figuring it out.

Ford Memorial took the stage followed by Tye Tribbett. Stellar Performances. Unforgettable.....and in the second clip that I'm going to post, the part 2, James Hall and Worship and Praise.....

Sit back and enjoy!



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