Jhamke Guleli | Nepal Idol Performance | Sumit Pathak | Nepal Idol Season 2 | झम्के गुलेली

Описание к видео Jhamke Guleli | Nepal Idol Performance | Sumit Pathak | Nepal Idol Season 2 | झम्के गुलेली

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Presenting Sumit Pathak performance on Nepal Idol season 2 "Jhamke Guleli" only on Music Nepal official YouTube channel.

Right for this video is provided by AP1 HD TV Pvt.Ltd.

Song - Jhamke Guleli
Performing Artist - Sumit Pathak
Original credits -
Album : Jhamke Guleli
Singer : Kamali Kanta Bhetuwal

#Musicnepal #Nepalidol #Sumitpathak

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