Huge Ages News; Fledgling Model Showcase, Size Comparison, New Info, etc! | Wings of Fire Roblox

Описание к видео Huge Ages News; Fledgling Model Showcase, Size Comparison, New Info, etc! | Wings of Fire Roblox


I'm really really sorry this is late but I've been super duper busy and am about to GRADUATE THIS SUNDAY, actually, so I've just been doing all i can to chill out, but i knew i had to get this done at least.

I know a lot of other people have already made videos, but this has more in depth explanations and showcases of the model changes for fledgelings, and talks about our planned featuers! I hope to bring you guys more content about things soon!

This update is NOT close to completion yet because we still don't have all the features we want in yet (as I said in the video) please just watch for full info!

thank u various admins for helping get the thumbnail with me
▸ Edited with LightWorks
▸Check channel description for my other social medias and info about using/sharing my art!
▸Nature's Crescendo - Stardew Valley
▸Dance of the Moonlight Jellies - Stardew Valley
▸Tropicala - Stardew Valley
▸The Wind Can Be Still - Stardew Valley
▸Cloud Country - Stardew Valley


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