Irish Family Names, Arms, History & Locations, Irish Families Project All Ireland

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©2006...2017 copyright Irish Roots Cafe, all audio and video items are in the public domain, used with permission, or property of the Irish Roots Cafe. False copyright claims are actionable.
The Irish Roots Cafe and Hedge school features Irish Genealogy; History; travel and traditional Irish song, including old style Sean Nós singing. Founded by Michael C. O'Laughlin in 1978 with headquarters at
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Family histories from every county in Ireland and Northern Ireland are covered in this 34 book set. (Known as 'The Irish Families Project'). This video includes Illustrations and specific contents from this series of books. Visuals are taken from over 1,000 illustrations in this set. Genealogy tips are included in every volume, along with family locations and coats of arms.

The first volume in the set is "The Book of Irish Families, great & small", by Michael C. O'Laughlin. (2013). We have another video on YouTube that reviews this lead volume. (The new 4th edition also has added material, including the index of names by location on the Map of the Four Masters, not shown here.) Please subscribe:


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