Quarterbacks - Learn How to Get Your Balls Smooth, Supple and Tacky!

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This is the step by step process that NFL and College Teams Use to prep footballs. Complete more passes because the ball never slips. QB's and Receivers love it.

Hey, everybody, welcome to elite athletes TV. I'm Mike Pawlawski, former 11 year pro quarterback and quarterbacks coach here at https://www.eliteathletestv.com back when I played you were not allowed to touch footballs before they got on the field in either college or when I was playing in any of the pro leagues that I played in. They would come out of the bag, they'd wipe them down, and they'd throw them into practice and try to break them in that way and season the football. Nowadays they've changed that rule. You look at NFL quarterbacks, Tom Brady, Drew Brees their footballs are seasoned and rubbed and perfected to make them lightly tacky so that they feel really good in your hand supple and soft, so that that grip stays and they feel soft in receivers hands, and just a better overall football. They're more weatherproof and everything else. Young quarterbacks don't often get the opportunity to have that experience with the football. So sometimes your footballs get super dry in practice, sometimes they feel you know, worn and weathered. Other times, they just don't feel great in your hand. Today I'm going to show you how to prep a football so it feels like an NFL football in your hand.

Links for tools and supplies:
Mud and Footballs: (Jason Reed does a great job)

Drill Brush, Leather Honey and Kiwi Leather Lotion can all by found by googling Their name and take your pick of outlets.

And so they may look great when you first get footballs but they don't feel good in the hand. As a quarterback, guys get particular about the footballs, they like. Our quarterback likes this Nike ball. And Big Game USA did a great job of customizing them and getting them out to me. They're not paying me for this. Jason Reed was the salesman who I dealt with and he did a fantastic job get these balls done, customized on time.
So we want to do is to get these game footballs ready. And you want to get that nice, soft, semi tacky feel that feels great both when you're throwing it as a quarterback and when you're catching it as a wide receiver. You want to take the edges off the laces so they don't feel so sharp, soften the seam so they don't feel so stiff. So when you put your finger in there, you get nice grip on the ball, keep good traction, but it doesn't feel hard doesn't roll off. And you don't lose that side grip and the quarterback end up throwing off that ring finger and middle finger. There's a whole process for this with football mud, leather lotion and brushing that I show you in the video If you look at NFL balls. Now, those balls look like they've been out doors for years at a time. And it's due to the process that used to break them in. So I'm going to show you today how to break in new footballs, how to get it ready for play, how to make it feel absolutely sweet for a quarterback.


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