電影《美女食人族》小夥誤入女性部落,不料被美艷女王看上,從此走向人生巔峰!| Comedy Adventure film 探險喜劇片 HD

Описание к видео 電影《美女食人族》小夥誤入女性部落,不料被美艷女王看上,從此走向人生巔峰!| Comedy Adventure film 探險喜劇片 HD

Synopsis: The comedy movie "美女食人族" is about an adventure story. Lin Zhihui is a playboy who dates different girls in his life. One day the girls find his secret and throw him into a desert. Then he is captured by a Beauty Tribe and chosen as a toyboy of the young beautiful queen. His mission is to make the queen get pregnant and then sacrifice for it. At last, the beauty tribe is attacked by another savage tribe and all the women are captured. Lin becomes the last hero to save all the beauties.


出品 Studio: 保禄利亚 Bolliya Picture, IFG 星图传媒
导演 Director: 林云翔 Lin Yunxiang
主演 Starring: 郑羲桐 Zheng Yitong、王宇凝 Wang Yuning、何文辉 He Wenhui
题材 Genres: #喜剧 #comedy #探险 #adventure #喜剧片 #喜剧电影

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