River Yamuna in Delhi: A trail of Emission, Exclusion and Exploitation

Описание к видео River Yamuna in Delhi: A trail of Emission, Exclusion and Exploitation

Tracing the trajectory of river Yamuna in the national capital Delhi, we are choked by class conflict, skewed political interest, the dominance of the elite and exclusion of the marginalized. As the Delhi Master Plan 2041 leaves out the poor in how it imagines the city, we follow the trail of the Yamuna to understand the exclusionary patterns hidden in the plan.

Watch this detailed analysis from The Nous Network.

0:00 - Introduction
1:45 - Delhi Master Plans
4:10 - History of Yamuna
6:47 - Migrant Labour, Liberalisation and the Crisis of Housing
10:24 - Slum Eviction and the Urban Poor
15:33 - Who’s responsible for polluting Yamuna?
18:04 - Environment and Social Justice

#yamuna #delhi #urban #urban_planning #development #displacement #pollution #river #industries #poor #marginalized #thenousnetwork #RiverYamunaDevelopmentPlan #dda #saveyamuna


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