In the Life: Ep. 1208, "The Fundamental Fight"

Описание к видео In the Life: Ep. 1208, "The Fundamental Fight"

In the Life: Episode 1208, "The Fundamental Fight." Original airdate: May 2003. Hosts: Cherry Jones, David Marshall Grant. Guests: Marlon Riggs, Paul Rudnick, Melanie Henderson, Peter Gomes, Pamela Sneed, Harvey Fierstein.

This episode is a reversion featuring segments from previous episodes as well as new segments. Excerpts from episodes 404, 501, 701, 702, 801, 806 and 1105 cover It's Elementary, Daddy's Roommate, Heather Has 2 Mommies, Ballot Measure 9, gay Muslims, the ex-gay movement, the Promise Keepers organization, and Marlon Riggs' views on race, gender identity and sexuality. Paul Rudnick's Out Takes segment from episode 1102 discusses Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and September 11. Melanie Henderson, Peter Gomes and Pamela Sneed provide historical PSAs during the episode, and Harvey Fierstein provides the celebrity ID.

Note: Some audio content removed due to copyright restrictions.
55:07 - 56:19: Lesley Gore, "You Don't Own Me."

The pioneering LGBT news magazine aired on PBS 1992-2012. Learn more about In the Life at

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