PLAY TV Vol.3 : Djane Ssongg (Zenonesque & Dark Progressive)

Описание к видео PLAY TV Vol.3 : Djane Ssongg (Zenonesque & Dark Progressive)

[Set List]
Emotive Motive / Sensient (Luis M Rmx) / Zenon Records
Ionic Defibulizer / Perfect Stranger (Grouch Remix) / Black Hole Recordings
Creative People / Electrypnose / Digital Structrue
Kreuzberg Konnection / Krumelur & Grouch / Electric Power Pole Records
Darkness feels good / Pspiralife (Nocturnal Remix) / Zenon Records
Interplay / Sensient / Zenon Records
Swamp Dog / Psydewise / Pistolero Recordings
Darkness / Pick (Hellquist Remix) / Ovnimoon Records
Merlin and the dragon / Minimal Criminal / Cosmic Conspiracy records
Chopped / Tijah & Noize Pirates / Uroboros Recordings
Lifeblood / Triforce / Zenon Records
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#Zenonesque #Darkprogressive #Progpsy #Psychedelic #DJmix #KoreaDJ #Ssongg #Playground #Playfestival #플레이그라운드 #플레이페스티벌 #디제이 #방구석라이브 #싸이트랜스 #싸이키델릭 #프로그레시브 #다크프로그레시브


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