Longhunter - Fire & Tobacco

Описание к видео Longhunter - Fire & Tobacco

Setting: It's an early Winter's day somewhere on the western frontier between the trading post and my trapping camp. Amongst some oak and cedar trees I find a protective area in a draw. Getting out of the wind, I decide to make a small fire to warm the bones, enjoy a smoke on the pipe, and replenish my supply of char cloth.

Disclaimer: This is for entertainment. I don't claim to be a professional nor 100% historically accurate. I'm not a reenactor but I do enjoy keeping history alive... if you are a perfectionist or unable to see past historical inaccuracies for the sake of entertainment, then this video is probably not for you.

Where's my rifle?: Although I'm pretending to be in the early 1800's, this is indeed current times and where this is filmed, I'm not allowed to be walking around with a firearm.

Camera: Canon SL2


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