Hebrew Alphabet - Lesson 1 - New & Better Quality Video:

Описание к видео Hebrew Alphabet - Lesson 1 - New & Better Quality Video:

Learn to write and read Hebrew in only 6 lessons!

New & Better Quality Video: https://goo.gl/UNyp2t

In this lesson you will learn 3 letters: א, ב, מ and the final מ, which is ם (Alef, Bet, and Mem).
You will also lean about the nikud and several signs of the nikud.
We will read words with these new letters, and even one sentence, only in 20 minutes!

Book a private lesson with me: https://forms.gle/NY12xvRDwkEkwk6W8
Exercises: https://goo.gl/NWQRNW
Answers: https://goo.gl/SrBUoV
Facebook:   / learnbasichebrew  


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