Fixing a dead digital thermostat

Описание к видео Fixing a dead digital thermostat

Checking out a faulty thermostat sent by Roger for our exploration.
For simple power faults like this one has it does actually make sense to do repairs.

With very predictable failure modes these days you don't need much electronics knowledge or experience to attempt a repair. A really common failure mode of compact switch mode power supplies is the capacitor on the low voltage side. That's because the very high frequency it operates at results in an amplified electrical stress. When the capacitor starts to fail its impedance increases and that causes an avalanche effect with the gassing of the electrolyte causing a buildup of pressure that domes the top of the capacitor and forces the electrolyte out through either the rubber seal at the base or the domed end (which is designed to rupture) as vapour.

The main thing to note is that you must use a low ESR (Low Equivalent Series Resistance) capacitor to deal with the high frequency operation, it should be the same capacitance value and a voltage equal to or greater than the original, and you must ensure it gets put in with the correct polarity.

A full replacement thermostat would have cost around £55 while the replacement capacitor was available as a pack of five for £1.

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