Dragonfable | Pirate - Willowshire Burns (Triple Overload)

Описание к видео Dragonfable | Pirate - Willowshire Burns (Triple Overload)

Disclaimer: This video begins with me at 4 HP and 5 MP potions as I forgot to drink them before this recording. The first Plunder at 2:05 affords us a legal health potion (hp% was lower than mp%), giving me three potions to use in the battle. The second Plunder at 9:25 nets us an illegal HP potion (mp pots at max capacity), however, the run ends with me at 3 HP and 4 MP potions, which means that no extra resources were accidentally consumed during this run :)

This probably isn't the optimal way to do the fight - doing Gorgok first (while spamming multis to counter Confidence) feels a lot more sensible as you can simply infinitely stall the Guardian Dragon after Gorgok is dead without having to really worry about the Gorgok damage race. However, in doing Guardian Dragon first, I got to overload him thrice with energy, fire, and darkness respectively to avail of the diffraction buffs (+20% Boost, +40 Crit, +100 mainstat separately, after which he goes down one turn before Gorgok enrages, giving us a margin to heal and set up a shield for his phase transition nuke. Gorgok afterwards becomes fairly manageable until the last leg of the fight, by which point he has racked up 50+ Boost and Bonus and should be taken down quickly. In retrospect, it would have been smarter to avoid the 2.4k damage nuke at 12:05 with Sealegs instead of attempting to do it with BPD+Allres Backstab like I did, but I managed the run, so no harm no fowl. Shoutout to the immediate BLoD proc at 1:05 which made managing Avatar's Grace much quicker. This run took 40 turns, 3 HP and 1 MP potions.

Stat Build: 200 END 158 STR 87 CHA
Dragon Build: 200 Protection 200 Magic 200 Fighting


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