Inspiring Tale of 88-Year-Old Woman who works & Preserves Her Farm for Over Seven Decades

Описание к видео Inspiring Tale of 88-Year-Old Woman who works & Preserves Her Farm for Over Seven Decades

"An Inspiring Tale of Resilience: 88-Year-Old Woman Preserves Appalachia's Kincaid Russell Farm for Over Seven Decades"

0:25: 🏡 John Ward explores the Kincaid Russell House and its surrounding property with Sarah Beth Russell.
0:25: The property is around 500-600 acres in size.
2:43: Sarah Beth Russell is seen mowing the yard.
6:01: ! The speaker discusses their mother-in-law's cooking skills and the birth of their child on her birthday.
6:01: The mother-in-law was a good cook and made delicious food.
6:40: The speaker's child was born on their mother-in-law's birthday.
7:11: The speaker helped with cooking after their mother-in-law passed away.
10:10: 👫 The speaker met Bill when they were young and got married, and they have been together for 71 years.
10:10: The speaker met Bill when they were young and he was a year older.
10:41: They got married when the speaker was 18 and have been together for 71 years.
14:05: 🌾 The speaker talks about mowing the cemetery and using a new ride-on mower.
14:05: The speaker enjoys mowing the cemetery and got a new ride-on mower.
15:04: They demonstrate opening the ride-on mower.
16:49: The speaker's friend also has a big mower for mowing a large area.
20:57: 🚜 An old tractor has been sitting on the property for 50 years and is now preserved as a museum piece.
20:57: The tractor has not been moved in 50 years.
21:51: The property has been leased out and the cows are not owned by the family.
25:10: 🏞️ The video shows a spring house with water flowing through rocks and a creek.
25:10: The spring house has an interesting history and is located near Davis Creek.
25:58: The upstairs part of the spring house is particularly appealing.
29:04: 🏠 The video showcases a historic house with a unique basement kitchen and a large fireplace.
29:04: The basement was later converted into a dining area when electric cooking became more common.
29:26: The house had a basement kitchen with a big fireplace.
30:06: The house had a front porch and windows with unique markings.
33:36: 😮 The video discusses a grave site and the uncertainty surrounding the identity of the buried individuals.
33:36: There are multiple graves in the area, but it is unclear who is buried there.
34:23: One of the graves is believed to belong to Johnny Kincaid, but there is no clear evidence.
34:44: The pile of rocks seen is actually a grave that has been covered by trees over the years.
37:18: 👥 Slaves in this area took on the last names of their owners, such as Jackson and Washington.
37:18: Slaves in this area took on the last names of their owners.
38:03: The speaker's family had a spring in their front yard that provided water without the need for a pump.
38:19: There used to be a log cabin in the holler on the speaker's property.
Recap for    / undefined   by Tammy AI


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