Infinite Angles on Reality: The Mission, The Vision, The Movement

Описание к видео Infinite Angles on Reality: The Mission, The Vision, The Movement

"My mission statement with music and with my life is 'to reawaken and renew people's sense of wonder starting always, with my own'.

All I want to do is put beauty and truth out into the world. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life courting and making love to The Muse.

I have some big visions. I can't do it alone, I need you, I need my people, my tribe, those of you who burn for something real.

Maybe you're like me that it's rare for you to come across a work of art, whether its music or movies or books, that truly speaks to and nourishes your soul. That's rare for me and I want to see more of that in the world, so I have to make it, I have to make the art---I have to make the WORLD---that I don't see, but that I so deeply long for, that soul food, that which truly nourishes us, makes us feel understood, alive, infinite.

That's what art is all about, not just entertainment and amusement---those have their places---but something soulful, that makes us feel like we're more than these boxes and these identities that we've been confined into. That is the role of art, that is the role of an artist, to help us remember that we are infinite, there are infinite possibilities for who we are, for how we see the world; infinite angles on reality."

-Ryan Heflin


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