What is Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Описание к видео What is Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

The Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) within the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) provides significant assistance and capacity-building initiatives for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their associated thematic areas. These encompass water, energy, climate, oceans, urbanisation, transport, science and technology, the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), partnerships, and Small Island Developing States.

The DSDG plays a crucial role in evaluating the comprehensive progress of the United Nations in implementing the 2030 Agenda. Moreover, it is responsible for conducting advocacy and outreach initiatives related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To effectively achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, a wide range of actors must embrace the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), accompanied by a robust dedication from all stakeholders to execute the global objectives. The primary goal of the DSDG is to support and promote active involvement in this process.

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