5 More Largest Freshwater Fish In The World

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In this video I will be going through 5 of the largest freshwater fish in the world. There are many giant freshwater fish in the worlds rivers and lakes but what fish is the biggest freshwater fish in the world? This is actually a very hard question to answer as monster fish come in many different shapes and sizes and two fish from the same species can vary in size drastically from one another.

So in this video I will be going through 5 more river monsters that are thought to be the largest freshwater fish in the world. I will not be including sturgeon species as even though they spend a lot of time in freshwater, they can also be found in the worlds oceans.

The first giant fish on the list is the giant Siamese carp. This carp species is the largest carp species in the world and mainly feeds on plant matter and algae in the Mekong river. This giant freshwater fish is unfortunately in decline and is listed as critically endangered so if nothing is done to help this river monster then we may loose it for good.

For our second monster fish we will be heading over to south America as we have the piraiba. The piraba is one of the largest catfish species in the world and is feared in many parts of south America as it can grow very large and its a predatory catfish species.

For our next large fish we will move over to China as we have the Chinese paddlefish. The Chinese paddlefish is actually extinct in the wild but only went extinct in 2005. The main reason why this river monster disappeared was the construction of dams along the Yangtze river. This should go as a warning as many other large freshwater fish could suffer the same fate.

For the next monster fish we will stay in Asia as I will be covering the goonch catfish. The goonch catfish is another large freshwater predatory catfish that is normally found in fast moving waters. This giant catfish has some nasty teeth and is feared by many locals.

For our final river monster we will be heading over to Africa as we have the Nile perch. The Nile perch is another giant freshwater predatory fish that can be found in the Congo, the Nile, and lake Victoria. This species is a effective ambush predator and has been cultivated by humans for over 4000 years.

What do you think the largest freshwater fish in the world is?
Let me know down in the comments below?

Thanks for watching hope you enjoyed :)


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