Not Cinderella’s Type (2018) Review: Emotional Abuse Addressed Right

Описание к видео Not Cinderella’s Type (2018) Review: Emotional Abuse Addressed Right

Indy has lived with her relatives ever since her mother died when she was young, and she’s used to getting ignored by most everyone, especially her family. But after the popular boy in school suddenly comes into the picture, Indy finds herself having to choose between her best friend Maxton, who thinks they’ve already been dating, and the popular boy Bryant, who is now showing an interest in her life. Which boy will she decide to date?

At first glance, this low-budget teen romance movie appears to be just like the other numerous high-school Cinderella story adaptations: the Cinderella figure starts to fall in love with the popular boy, despite her awful family. However, 2018’s Not Cinderella’s Type, proves to have much more under that surface level. What makes this Cinderella movie possibly one of the deepest adaptations ever made? Watch the full movie review @thecindyshow, along with many other Cinderella movie reviews, and more to come!

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