Dragan Stojkovic - Piksi

Описание к видео Dragan Stojkovic - Piksi

Such a shame injuries meant his club form in western Europe wasn't what it should have been after he left Red Star Belgrade. But he was Yugoslavia's star turn at three tournaments spanning 14 years, which says a great deal. A master of deception.

Apologies - couple of issues with the previous version. Here are the comments from the previous upload:

Jim Garzon M
Este Yugoslavo era un jugador excepcional de una camada de grandes futbolistas balcánicos. Un regate totalmente depurado y una exquisita técnica de pegarle al balón. Una verdadera leyenda de este deporte

This guy was something special. For me he's the most beautiful Yugoslavian player i've ever seen. Yugoslavia always had a lot of talented players. Imagine the best Servian, Croation and Bosnian players playing together, The old days

Such a shame he and his country never fulfilled their true potential . Had Yugoslavia never experienced that war , maybe they would’ve potentially won Euro 92 , 94’ WC , Euro 96 and would’ve dominated International football in the 90s . Anyway , what I said in a conversation with somebody that Dragan was essentially very similar in play style to Baggio and Laudraup . Michael was more elegant and sleek , while Dragan was more flashy and Baggio was more goal oriented , but these players had the generally same style of play . And they all never reached the heights they were capable of .

Pierre Geopardi
Amazing skillfull player but injuries ruined him :(

percy blakeney
Really excellent and well put together compilation. He's such a ridiculous talent but it was a shame that in later years at international tournaments he often seemed to just stalk about sulking as if it was somehow all terribly unfair for some reason.


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