No Marauders TVP! - When Mech Terran tries Bio!

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I'm a Mech player and I've been practicing my Terran vs. Protoss (TVP) using Bio-based composition and found that switching Marauders for extra Tanks and Liberators significantly improves my win rate.

This composition effectively counters Protoss armies heavily reliant on High Templars, Colossi, and constant Chargelot warp-ins!

Strategy: Marine - Tank - Liberator Composition

Marines: Operate on a separate control group, serving as bait to draw the enemy’s Colossi, High Templars, and Disruptors into the lethal range of my Tanks and Liberators.

Tactical Usage: These Marines also help manage ground control against Zealots trying to breach our lines.

Interestingly, Protoss players tend to have fewer Zealots when they opt for a mix of Colossi, High Templars, and Disruptors.

Even with a modest APM of 130, focusing on Stim and Siege tactics, the effectiveness of this strategy is remarkable!


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