Avocado Farming in Carpinteria with Rick Shade

Описание к видео Avocado Farming in Carpinteria with Rick Shade

Avocado farming is an integral part of the Carpinteria agricultural industry and Rick Shade has been managing avocado farms in Carpinteria his whole life. As the “go-to expert” for the care and feeding of avocados on the Central Coast, we asked Rick to tell us what makes the orchard at 7244 Gobernador Canyon so exceptional.

What is the best climate for avocado growing?
Avocado trees do not tolerate cold or freezing temperatures. They thrive in subtropical or tropical climates. The climate in Carpinteria valley is optimal for avocado growing because it closely mimics the climate of South Central Mexico, which is the native terrain for avocado trees.

How long does it take for an avocado tree to reach full production?
It takes about 10 years for an orchard to become fully producing. Years 10-30 are the “sweet spot” for avocado trees. The trees at 7244 Gobernador Canyon Rd are 7 years old, so they are just about to hit their peak production.

Where do farm management companies come in?
Farm management companies such as Shade Farm Management are a hugely beneficial resource to orchard owners. The management company will take care of the entire harvesting process for you. They handle everything from watering, trimming, weeding, and pruning the trees to picking and hauling it all away. At the end of the entire process they hand you a check in return!

For more information on the Carpinteria avocado farming industry, or on 7244 Gobernador Canyon Road, contact us at (805) 450-6233 or [email protected]


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