Dollar Crash Prediction - When & How it will happen according to Billionaire Ray Dalio

Описание к видео Dollar Crash Prediction - When & How it will happen according to Billionaire Ray Dalio

Billionaire Ray Dalio has been posting the first chapters of his new book about the coming crash of the US Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency. Here's the highlights and what we need to prepare for. Throw me a comment, give some feedback, or just say hi below!

Ray Dalio's First Chapter:   / changing-world-order-ray-dalio-1f  


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Roger James Hamilton is a futurist, social entrepreneur and New York Times Bestselling Author of the Millionaire Master Plan. He is the founder of Entrepreneurs Institute and the creator of the Wealth Dynamics, Talent Dynamics & Genius Test Profiling Systems, used by over 250,000 entrepreneurs to follow their flow.



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