Dr.V.Irai Anbu IAS-Tourism Achievement Tamilnadu-No.1

Описание к видео Dr.V.Irai Anbu IAS-Tourism Achievement Tamilnadu-No.1

Dr.Irai Anbu.IAS was the Secretary to Tourism in Tamilnadu since 2006 to2010. During his tenure there were numerous tourim development activities for which can not be detailed or explained in one instance.However as an example Sculptures preservation and protecting them from heritage degraders , handled by the gentleman was appreciated in all level.During his visit to many places he found the century old heritage sculptures were in damaged or fully broken. In some monuments there were lovers writing and unparliamentary dialogue. He took immmediate measures through all District Collectors and sanctioned funds to develop and preserve the heritage assets.In many districts the Tourist officers conducted awareness rally and campain. In Chennai a high level seminar was conducted which received eloporate reach.For the first time in Tamilnadu Tourism a special booklet on Glory of Srirangam Temple sculptures alone was published and made available to foreign tourists. In continuoation a special booklet on popular sculptures were published by the great Secretary Sir.In view of sculpture preservation special funds sanctioned to Krishnapuram sculture temple,mega tourism plan to develop Srirangam and many other places during His tenure.Here sculpture development only quoted as an example.But there are numerous tourism segments were developed and attended for which National Accredtion and Recognition was achieved to Tamilnadu in National level.During the gentleman tenure Tourism has every days festival or events etc., Now I have planned to launch all His Golden period achievements in You Tube one by one. . However we should acknowledge and remember the golden period in Tamilnadu tourism. Hence it may be said Long live Dr.V.Irai Anbu.IAS Sir. [email protected]


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