Ordination to the Priesthood of Reverend Father Lukas Časta

Описание к видео Ordination to the Priesthood of Reverend Father Lukas Časta

Ordination to the Priesthood of Reverend Father Lukas Časta,

on Saturday, June 29, 2024,
on the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul,
in St. Columbkille Cathedral,
Diocese of Pembroke.

Presided by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast,
Archbishop-emiritus of Ottawa,

and participating in the concelebration of the Holy Mass,
Most Reverend Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.,
Bishop-elect of Pembroke.

Timeline of the video

0:00 Entrance Hymn
5:00 Introduction Rites
6:47 Gloria
8:35 Opening Prayer
9:12 First Reading
11:43 Psalm
14:28 Second Reading
15:41 Alleluia
16:45 Gospel
20:25 Call to Orders
22:05 Homily
34:09 Questioning of the Candidate
36:31 Litany of Saints
44:00 Imposition of Hands
49:43 Prayer of Ordination
52:50 Vesting of the New Priest
54:19 Consecration with Holy Chrism (in the hands of the priest)
57:29 Presentation of the Paten and Chalice (with bread and wine) (his parents bring them to the bishop)
58:24 Kiss of Peace
1:02:31 Profession of Faith
1:03:24 Preparation of the gifts
1:09:05 Preface
1:10:14 Sanctus
1:10:53 Eucharistic Prayer
1:17:55 Our Father
1:19:08 Sign of Peace
1:19:18 Lamb of God
1:20:30 Communion
1:33:43 Prayer after Communion
1:34:15 Final Blessing
1:35:17 Recessional
1:42:29 First Blessing of the New Priest to His Parents


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