EUDR Coffee Update: News, Information, and Discussion with the EU

Описание к видео EUDR Coffee Update: News, Information, and Discussion with the EU

As the new documentation/guidelines for the implementation of the EUDR are set to be shared in the next weeks, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and its partners in the Coffee Public-Private Task Force, including the European Union, hosted this event to review the most relevant points of the new guidelines/documentation so as to discuss and help clarifying related questions.

In this session, EU representatives provided a brief summary and explanation of the new FAQs on EUDR, likely to be released in the next weeks.

The ICO Coffee Public-Private Task Force shared information to coffee stakeholders on existing collective initiatives and list of service providers working on issues related to EUDR compliance, based on survey, research and discussions. Leave your comments or questions below, like it and share it! Thank you!


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