井柏然:在巴黎的早晨醒来 | Boran Jing: Se réveiller à Paris | GQ China

Описание к видео 井柏然:在巴黎的早晨醒来 | Boran Jing: Se réveiller à Paris | GQ China

井柏然再一次来到了巴黎。他在一间airbnb的床上醒来,卷着被子打了几个滚;再哼着小曲儿,为自己做个丰盛的欧陆早餐(尽管他好像忘记放盐了);冲一杯 espresso,带着咖啡香气满屋子转悠;站在窗台上看街道人来人往……总之,看上去确实像个地道的巴黎人。

We sneaked into Boran Jing's stay at an Airbnb apartment in Paris, while he casually rolls over in the cocoon of his bed, flips over eggs in the pan, serves himself an espresso, and loiters on the balcony looking over the streets.


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