Paid Media Networks & Terms (Where And How) To Advertise Online

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Ready to learn about paid media? In this short masterclass, John Lincoln, Ignite Visibility CEO, will give you an intro to Paid Media with all the must-know paid media terminology for marketers and the various Paid Media networks to know to get started.

Paid Media Terms Every Marketer Should Know:
Ad Extensions (00: 33)
Ad Group (00:45)
Ad Rank (00:52)
Ad Schedule (00:58)
Apple Search Ads (01:12)
Ad Attribution (01:16)
Automatic Bidding (01:23)
Banner Ads (01:32)
Behavioral Targeting (1:32)
Bid (1:44)
Bounce Rate (01:48)
Broad Match (01:52)
Call to Action (02:03)
Cart Abandonment Rate (2:06)
Click-Through Rate (02:10)
Conversion Rate (02:26)
Conversion Rate Optimization (02:34)
Cost Per Acquisition (02:40)
Daily Budget (02:47)
Display Ads (02:52)
Dynamic Ads (02:56)
Exact Match Keyword (03:11)
Facebook Ads (03:19)
Facebook Pixel & Google Pixel (03:22)
Manual Bidding (03:37)
Negative Keywords (03:43)
PPC (03:49)
CPM (04:03)
Page View (04:03)
Phrase Match (04:06)
Quality Score (04:17)
Remarketing (04:27)
Search Ads (04:36)
SEM or Search Engine Marketing (04:42)

Ad Networks to Know to Get Started:
1. Google: Google Search, YouTube Ads, Google Display Ads, Google Discovery Ads and Google Performance Max (04:58)
2. Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, The Microsoft Audience Network, Bing and LinkedIn (05:15)
3. Niche: Criteo, Tabool and Outbrain (05:24)
4. Programmatic: SteelHouse, TradeDesk and Amazon DSP (05:48)
5. Additional Options: Snapchat, TikTok and Yahoo (06:01)
6. Amazon: Search, Amazon Sponsored Produces, Walmart and Target (06:10)
6: Other Major Networks: Reddit, Quora, Pinterest, Yelp, Waze, Hulu and Vimeo (06:16)

Based on your business model, do you understand the ad networks that will work best for you?

Do you have any questions? Reach out to us at: [email protected]

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Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.

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