Reaction Mechanisms: Identify Overall Rate Law, Rate Law Expression, Intermediates, and Catalysts

Описание к видео Reaction Mechanisms: Identify Overall Rate Law, Rate Law Expression, Intermediates, and Catalysts

*I recommend watching this in x1.25 - 1.5 speed

In this video we go over reaction mechanisms, including finding the overall rate law, reaction molecularity, and identifying intermediates and catalysts. Once you have a good grasp on the elementary steps and their corresponding formulas, these get a bit easier. As far as figuring out whether or not a molecule/compound is an intermediate or catalyst, consider the reminder- "intermediates are produced, then consumed (right side then left side); Catalysts are consumed and then produced (left side to right side)". That should be all you need to know to figure out which it is.

As for finding the Rate Law Expression, these can be a bit tougher. Basically we always start with the rate determining step (which will be slow), and then express any and all intermediates based on their elementary steps and then lastly just reduce/cancel out any denominator-numerator repeats.

This video ended up being super long which I've been trying to steer away from, but breaking each reaction mechanism question type (molecularity & elementary steps, overall rxn, rxn expression, intermediates, catalysts, etc.) all into separate videos just didn't really make sense. Hopefully the length of the video isn't too much of a deterrent for people to watch it and benefit from the information contained in it.

Hope this helps someone! Let me know down below if:
- you have an easier way to do these
- you found a mistake or want clarification on something
- you found this helpful :D

* I am not an expert in this topic. I am just a clinical lab scientist and life-long student who learns best from videos/visual representations and demonstration and have often turned to Youtube for help learning. My hope is that others in the same boat find and benefit from this.

Main Helpful Sources:
-Khan Academy


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