DARLING in the FRANXX - Vanquish/ Strelizia Awakening (norom remix)

Описание к видео DARLING in the FRANXX - Vanquish/ Strelizia Awakening (norom remix)

My twitter:   / _norom_  
My soundcloud:   / norom  


Original composer: Asami Tachibana
Her twitter:   / asamitachibana  
The Anime: Darling In The FranXX

The original artwork: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.p...
The artist: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=6...

I enjoyed Darling in the Franxx so much that I decided to express my love for it in a musically piece thus I created this remix.
I hope other people feel the same and enjoy this piece as well.
Love you all!


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