Laser bird deterrent helps an Australian grower to reduce bird presence by up to 90%

Описание к видео Laser bird deterrent helps an Australian grower to reduce bird presence by up to 90%

One of the biggest issues faced by horticultural operations across Australia is crop damage caused by birds. It's a problem that effectively wipes millions of dollars off farms' bottom lines every year.

Gazzola Farms on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula is one of Australia's leading vegetable growing operations. It grows a wide range of varieties such as lettuce, celery, and Asian greens, and sells them all across Australia. It runs two sites in the region – one in Somerville and another in Boneo – farming about a thousand acres of land in total.

The operation bought and installed its first AVIX Autonomic system from E.E.Muir & Sons about two years ago and says it has experienced a significant degree of success. It has installed another three since, with another one to be installed at its Boneo site soon.

"It's hard to give an actual percentage of bird reduction, but for us, it would be approximately 90%," said Dean Gazzola of Gazzola Farms.

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