Kenan / Он – молчанье мое, мой грех / Полет&птицы

Описание к видео Kenan / Он – молчанье мое, мой грех / Полет&птицы

Кенан и его чарующие глаза напоминают нам, что долгое ожидание награждается вторым сезоном #KuşUçuşu 14.12
I hide it from everyone
He is my silence, my sin
How many long nights and days
I'm burning between two fires
I go to him under hypnosis
I drown him in my kisses
I return home in the morning
And inside there is both love and pain
He is my crime
I'll give everything for him
In front of him on the edge
I'm on my knees
Every breath is for him
He was greater than God
And there is no way to escape
He was larger than life

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tags: #ibrahimcelikkol #birceakalay #lalekenan #AstheCrowFlies #полетптицы #KuşUçuşu


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