VLOG - Birthday Winery Trip

Описание к видео VLOG - Birthday Winery Trip

For my birthday this year we went to Hermann, MO. Took the 311 river runner Amtrak train and had a blast at the wineries! Thank you all for the birthday wishes on social media I truly appreciate it :)

▼Contact Info▼
Twitter - http://goo.gl/ZzbEBU
Twitch - jfavignano
Instagram - jfavignano
Snapchat - jfavignano

▼My Favorite people▼
"Alex" - http://goo.gl/ntb63d
"Buggs" - http://goo.gl/9woBM6
"Chris" - http://goo.gl/1wIFZ8
"Frooglesim/Pete" - http://goo.gl/9c2hZa
"Polecat324" - http://goo.gl/oyghov
"Speirs" - http://goo.gl/kAGTT7
"SteveTheGamer55" - https://goo.gl/AYoYRf
"Zach" - http://goo.gl/Olv2Bz

▼Music Licensed with AudioMicro▼


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