What is a Frozen Suit? Learn to Play Bridge

Описание к видео What is a Frozen Suit? Learn to Play Bridge

Can you spot a frozen suit in a deal? They crop up frequently in 1NT contracts, although they are common in many different deals. Such suits can be hazardous to the side that first opens them! Improve your card play and learn how can you avoid losing a trick when you suspect one or more suits in the hand may be frozen:-
- looking out for frozen suits in the deal
- be aware of how such card distributions play out
- aim to force your opponents to lead the suit
How to Play Bridge free videos with hints and tips on bidding, declarer play and defence. Opening bids, responding bids, opening leads, Stayman, bidding to the level of your fit and more. Learn bridge online with Oasis Bridge Tuition. Maggie Hadley


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