Meet The Goblin - Meet the Dwarf Planets Ep. 6 - Outer Space / Astronomy Song for kids - The Nirks

Описание к видео Meet The Goblin - Meet the Dwarf Planets Ep. 6 - Outer Space / Astronomy Song for kids - The Nirks

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We've met all of the Official Dwarf Planets, but what about all of the hopeful Dwarf Planet Candidates? Let's meet them too! Meet the Goblin! In honor of Halloween, we chose this candidate as our first dwarf planet candidate feature. The Goblin was discovered in October 2015 right around Halloween. Its provisional name was TG 387 and was nicknamed The Goblin by the astronomers that discovered it. The Goblin may lead astronomers to the ever illusive Planet 9! There is something near The Goblin, unseen, but gravitationally pulling on The Goblin. Could it be Planet 9? Learn all about this fun dwarf planet candidate in this exciting and spooky learning song!

And, Visit Our Website & check out Vincent's Birthday Special! Plush Vincent & personalized birthday video! The Nirks®:

Lurking way out beyond the Kuiper Cliff
I’m an extreme Trans Neptunian Object that could have been easily missed

They found me accidentally while hunting for planet Nine
I’m under the gravitational influence of a much larger object, not mine
Could Planet nine be hiding somewhere very near
Astronomers certainly hope that my discovery will help make that clear
Is Planet Nine here?

I’m The Goblin!

I take about 40,000 years to complete 1 orbit round the sun
The closest I come to the Sun is 65 AU’s, that’s my perihelion
One AU, or astronomical unit, equals the distance from Earth to the Sun
So, I’m 65 times further from the sun than your planet, at my perihelion

I get even further away when I’m at aphelion
Around 2300 AU’s or in miles over 213 billion!
That’s really far!!!!

Objects whose perihelion is beyond the Kuiper Cliff
Are Trans-Neptunian objects known as Sednoids, of which
I was the 3rd discovered after Sedna and 2012 VP113
But of the 3 of us, I have the orbit that is most Extreme!

My orbit cuts inside both of theirs as I get closest to the Sun
But then I retreat way-out beyond either of their aphelion

Here I go!

Scott Sheppard, Chad Trujillo and David Tholen found me in October 2015
My discovery was unexpected and very close to Halloween
This and the fact that TG 387 was my provisional name
Gave them the idea for my nickname and The Goblin is who I became
(Pumpkin + TG=The Goblin)

My official name is Leleākūhonua
A Hawaiian name comparing my orbit to a bird that migrates from Hawaii to Alaska
The Pacific Golden Plover
There it goes!

I’m extremely small in size, about 8 times smaller than Pluto
That’s pretty small for an object that has so much further to go
Astronomers don’t know much about my appearance because I’m so dim and far away
So, for now I’m a dwarf planet candidate and that’s what I will stay
I’ll continue my creeping and sneaking around the outer solar system
And live up to my notorious nickname – The Goblin

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