Shadybug and Claw Noir amv - Better Place (Rachel Platten)

Описание к видео Shadybug and Claw Noir amv - Better Place (Rachel Platten)

What did you think of the special?

I loved it! It was not at all what I was expecting, but I actually really enjoyed it and I love the messages they showed through the story.

As much as I love and relate to Marinette, her life is pretty much the opposite of normal, and I love how they showed how even if you don't have amazing best friends, a super caring boyfriend, or affectionate parents, you can still choose to be the person you want to be, and you don't have to let your past mistakes or brokenness define you.

Claw Noir's arc was kind of less obvious/developed, but I think it's easy for us to wallow and dwell in our own pain, using it as an excuse to grow bitter and overlook the people around us as possible friends or people who might also need someone to care about them.

One of the most amazing and endearing things about Adrien is how despite the way his father treats him and his mother being gone, he still chooses to open up to people and show kindness and compassion to them despite his own hurt. Adrien was the best and perhaps only person who could sympathize and understand how Claw Noir was feeling, yet still give him hope and remind him that he could still choose to embrace happiness again. (And though it hurts and seems meaningless now, maybe one day you could be that person to someone too 💕)

My brothers and I just watched the Lego movies for the first time, and WOW - if you haven't seen them yet - you should! They were kind of random but funny and heartwarming in a way I didn't expect.

In the second one, (oof, how to tell this without spoiling...) throughout the movie the main character Emmett is accused of being weak and needing to "toughen up" because of how cruel and harsh the world has become, but in the end he realizes that it's actually easy to become bitter and hardened by your experiences, and takes a lot more strength to open up your heart and let yourself care about others and truly be yourself rather than acting tough like everyone else is.

And in the Batman movie (another surprisingly fun one to watch) Batman seems to have a perfect life - he's a hero, the city loves him, and he doesn't care about anyone or have anything to do with "feelings" and yet, he comes to realize that by walling himself off from everyone he has abandoned the people he truly cared about and by disregarding other people's feelings he had turned into kind of a jerk. He is forced to face the fact that his true greatest fear is feeling the pain of losing his family again (he was orphaned at a young age) and while it was more difficult and vulnerable to let people into his life, it was worth it, and ended up filling him with more happiness and purpose than he ever had before. 💖

And that's kind of how this song speaks for me - for those of you who read the two descriptions before this, you'll know I've been kind of struggling a lot with things lately, and I'm pleased and grateful to say I do feel I'm in a better place now.
(It's like I've opened my eyes again, and the colors are golden and bright get the picture. 😉✨🥰🍂) So to anyone who's in a dark place, I know how hopeless and painful things might seem, but things do get better, and perhaps it won't be long until there's a song in your heart again. 💜

For me personally, I think it was a mix of a lot of things, and crazily (or miraculously) pretty much every show I watched helped walk me through it. 😅😏🥰 The Ahsoka series (awesome character less so show) where the main character Ahsoka has been fighting in wars since a very young age and when she almost drowns in this one episode she is faced with a choice: to give into her weariness, quit trying and die, or to continue to fight, to live in spite of the hardship, in spite of the war, in spite of the sacrifices she had been forced to make, and hope. Ahsoka chose to live, to keep fighting, for herself and for those around her.

The miraculous Reverse Special and Lego movies were really touching to me as well, since I wanted to cut myself off from feeling, to stop caring, to stop smiling, and if I had the guts to express myself through super dark eyeliner I probably would. When you do that you're pretty much just left with anger and emptiness (which ties in well to the Batman movie I mentioned). The Special was so surprisingly wholesome though - and I love how Shadybug and Cat Noir opened up their hearts and changed their attitudes while still holding on to what made them unique. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was surprised and delighted by all the hugs we got. 💞

I think God definitely used these shows to encourage me and point out truths I already know, but nothing comforted me as much as knowing he is there for me, loves me, and has a future for me that is more beautiful and bright than anything I could possibly imagine here on earth. (and he wants to offer that to you too💕)

I hope you're doing well, and if not, that you come to a better place soon.
I love you! 💞

Always a friend,


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